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United States -- July 18, 2022: Between January 2021 and January 2022, the CDC estimates that more than 107,000 Americans will have died from drug overdoses.

Washington -- July 14, 2022:  Mary McLeoud Bethune born in Mayesville, South Carolina, on July 10, 1875, as the first member of her family to be born free. A statue of her was placed in the National Statuary Hall of the U.S. Capitol,

Health -- July 1, 2022: According to a new analysis by KFF researchers, between 5.3 million and 14.2 million low-income people could lose their Medicaid coverage if the public health emergency ends

Science News -- June 23, 2022: Researchers from Baylor College of Medicine, Stanford School of Medicine, and partner institutions have identified a chemical in the blood that is created during exercise

Science -- June 14, 2022: Minecraft, the highest-selling video game of all time, is not highly regarded by the gaming elite, despite its immense popularity. The aesthetics are blocky, and it serves no use. It is intended for children.

A terrifying experience is certainly something you will never forget. But why does it remain in your mind while other events become progressively harder to recollect as time passes?

News -- June 6, 2022: On May 24, 2022, Salvador Ramos, then 18 years old, fatally shot nineteen pupils and two instructors at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, and injured seventeen others.

Science News -- June 2, 2022 The American Heart Association's Life's Simple 7 cardiovascular and brain health elements are: getting active, eating well, losing weight, avoiding smoking, maintaining a healthy blood pressure,

Science -- May 21, 2022: Scent detecting canines can be taught to identify individuals with a coronavirus infection from skin swabs, according to a recent study from the University of Helsinki.

Sciennce News -- Date: May 17, 2022 University of Florida as a source
Summary: For the first time, scientists have grown plants on lunar soil. They used dirt from the Apollo 11 and 12 flights, as well as the Apollo 17 expedition.

Science News -- May 7, 2022: Drones, or autonomous flying vehicles, will need to learn to navigate real-world weather and wind conditions in order to be genuinely useful. Drones are now either flown in controlled environments with no wind or by people using remote controls. 

Science News -- May 2, 2022: The Babraham Institute's research has devised a mechanism to 'time leap' human skin cells by 30 years, thereby turning back the clock on cells' aging without affecting their specialized function. Researchers in the Institute's Epigenetics research group were able to partially repair the function of aged cells while also revitalizing molecular markers of biological age.


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