The Queen Beckons Reluctant Princess Anne to Greet Donald Trump

US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump mingle with the Queen and the royal family at a reception for the NATO summit at Buckingham Palace. World leaders are in the UK to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the alliance. At one point, the Queen appears to chastise daughter Princess Anne for not joining her in greeting the president.

The Queen Beckons Reluctant Princess Anne to Greet Donald Trump

The Queen Beckons Reluctant Princess Anne to Greet Donald Trump

US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump mingle with the Queen and the royal family at a reception for the NATO summit at Buckingham Palace. World leaders are in the UK to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the alliance. At one point, the Queen appears to chastise daughter Princess Anne for not joining her in greeting the president.


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