Buncombe Couunty -- November 21, 2022 Press Release

The Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office is warning the public

of an ongoing scam where callers identify themselves as Sgt. Bryan Freeborn at the Sheriff’s Office. The phone number being used to call individuals is (828) 220-9705.
If you do receive this call or a voicemail, do not engage in conversation. Just say you are aware this is a scam and hang up. Do not call the number back.
The Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office will never ask for payment for fines or judgements to be paid over the phone and there is not a monetary fine for missing jury duty. The false scare tactic used during the scam is “that unless you pay the fine immediately you will be arrested.” The scammers claim that you have failed to respond to a jury summons and now owe fines and have a warrant out for your arrest, they may also leave a voicemail stating this false information.
These scammers are not local, so they ultimately proceed to asking you to put money on a prepaid debit card. The Sheriff's Office will never ask you to put money on a prepaid card and give that info over the phone in order to pay fines.
Always feel free to call back the Sheriff's Office non-emergency line at 828-250-6670 if you are not sure if you are being scammed or have any questions.


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  • We have had multiple reports of an individual calling and claiming to be from the Haywood County Sheriff's Office (specifically Chief Trantham or Lt. Greathouse). They are trying to convince our citizens to pay them money or go to jail because they have missed jury duty. Additionally, they are calling from a number that rings back to our dispatch or from a private number. THIS IS A SCAM. No one from our office will ever call and request money for any reason. You may also reach out to law enforcement if you feel you have been a victim of this scam. You can reach the Haywood County Sheriff's Office Non-Emergency line at 828-452-6666.
    You may also find more information and report the scam on the Federal Trade Commission website below:
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